Hey y’all! I’m Allesanda. I’m a thirty-something, stay-at-home momma to four and coach’s wife, which means I have seldom free time and very little sanity! Of our four kids, the middle two are twins, thus bookends and twins!
I was an avid reader as a kid who grew up loving Harry Potter, Twilight, the Gemma Doyle series, and Meg Cabot but somewhere along the way my love for reading dwindled and was replaced by working and momming.
That was until October 2021. A group of women from my local MOPS group had started a book club and I thought, why not! I started reading and haven’t looked back! I’m surprising myself with how many books I can read a month between baseball practice, cheer practice, school activities, and sick kids.
I began on bookstagram as @bookendsandtwins and, while that’s been my primary source of book blogging, I wanted to do more so I created this blog. It’s 75% book reviews, book hauls, recaps, pub day celebrations, and book club posts but the other 25% is motherhood and natural living related. I used to have a maternal support business so some of the posts on motherhood and holistic living will be migrated from my old blog.
I hope you enjoy this space and feel free to leave a comment, join my mailing list, or shoot me a message to say hi! Bookish people are the best people and I’d love to get to know you!
P.S. Please know that some links are associate links where I receive a commission for your purchase. This helps me fuel my book obsession and nothing more.