January is officially over and we are on to Chapter Two of 2023. Here's what's up for the month of love!
First up is an ARC of River of Wrath by Alexandrea Weis and Lucas Astor. This is book 2 in the St. Benedict series. I read and reviewed book one, River of Ashes, last month and wasn't blown away, but after talking with the PR manager for this series, I was convinced to read book 2 and have high hopes for the rest of the series. Aren't the covers gorgeous!
I'll also be reading an ARC from Ciara Blume of Theater Lovers. I was on her ARC team for Rome for the Holidays and loved it so I snatched up the ARC while I could!
An indie author reached out to me on instagram asking if I'd review her book and after reading the description, I decided I'd give it a try so I'll also be reading Counting Stars by Braelyn Wilson. Fun fact, she's 18 and in high school and has already published a book!
My last review tour read for the month is Champagne Widows by Rebecca Rosenberg. If you've seen anything about my personal life, you know I was studying to be a sommelier before having kids so when I saw this was a Historical Fiction about Veuve Cliquot, my favorite champagne label, I had to sign up! Does this give me an excuse to buy a bottle of the bubbly, for photo purposes of course?
Part of my 23 in 23 challenge is to read Beartown by Fredik Backman and my library hold is coming up in the first week of February so I'll be reading this one this month. I've seen some people love it but others are indifferent so I'm curious to see where I'll fall with this one.
For my 12 in 12 by 12 challenge, I'll be reading Mischief Night by Delaney Foster. I'm going into this one kind of blind so we'll see how it goes. It's on KU, so I'm excited about that. And, no, I don't think that's Jensen Ackels on the cover.
February's pick for the #12Classicsin12 challenge is Pride and Prejudice and I'll be listening to this one on audiobook. I started it back in December so I'll just be finishing the last 60%.
Daisy Jones and the Six was one of my top books of 2022 and I'm beyond excited for the show to air on March 3rd. I have some family members in the show and the equipment and backdrops for the show was stored at my friend's shop so there's some close ties on top of loving the story. I tried to host my own buddy read but no one was signing up so I jumped on a booksta friend's buddy read and watch party!
I'm on book three in paperback, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and I really hope I can get to this one but honestly, it's last on my list of priorities this month.
I won't be participating in the @samstacksbooksbookclub this month because I just can't add any more to my plate and Azle Mom's Bookclub is reading Things I Never Got Over which I read last year.
I will take a pause on ARCs. I will take a pause on ARCs. I will take a pause on ARCs.